Monday, December 20, 2010

Parents, when their offspring enter the dreaded teenage , look back nostalgically on the days when their children hadn't learned to speak yet, were cute and adoring, and hung on to every word that their parents said. One day, puberty happens and the sweet angels of yesterday begin to act like their parents are their worst enemies
My mom often complains about my sister"I dont know whats wrong with maina.She always argues with me for the silliest things.A single day doesnt even pass without she screamimg at me and storming out of the room.I dont know what to do with her.In our days we never raise our voice to our parents."

Teenagers are always talking about their freedom, usually in context of how their parents are obstacles. The minute you give children a curfew, or object to their clothes or hair, or do not allow them to go out, you become the evil dictator who will never understand. Suddenly, 'generation gap' becomes a buzzword. It's as if one day you and your child find yourselves on opposite sides of the fence and there's no meeting ground. Each one feels that the other is speaking a foreign language. Teenagers may not know it or admit it, but they need their parents to guide them about what's right and what's wrong.

This is the time when teenagers try to become individuals in their own right and try to move out from under the protective wing of their parents. They will try out many things in order to be 'in' with the crowd . This is not the time to play the great dictator and alienate your children. Talk to them, but don't talk down to them. The way to do it, is not by making yourself out to be their enemy and coming down on them heavily for every wrongdoing.

Parents tend to forget that they were teenagers too once and their contentment doesn't win them any points with their children. Most parents tend to forget that babies do grow up someday and when the time comes, they must let them go and find their own way in the world. You can't protect your children forever and they won't thank you if you try to.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

New life

You've been waiting for this day for months. Finally you get to meet your new baby. But like many new parents, you might not have a clear idea of what that meeting will be like.
Wondering how your baby will look and what he or she will do after arriving?
Although you may have visions of a robust bouncing baby, reality may not match that image. Many newborns are tiny, wet creatures when they first emerge. Often their heads are slightly pointed as a result of passing through the birth canal. This is only temporary — the head will take on a rounded appearance within a few days. You may be suprised that a newborn's head is so big compared with the rest of the body.Your baby also may look crumped since the legs and arms have been kept bent at the knees and elbows while in the womb. Your baby's tiny fingers and toes. Your baby's skin may have one of several possible appearances, looking somewhat red, pink, or purple at first.Rashes, or tiny red and white spots also are common on newborns. These generally clear up over the first few days or weeks after birth.Baby's appearance will change dramatically over the next few weeks as he or she grows. The limbs will extend, the skin tone will probably change.

Newborn baby will go through a few procedures which will include head circumference,weight and length measurement.

The medical staff will dry your baby and place a blanket around him or her. All of this happens very quickly, and before you know it your baby is in your arms for some special bonding time.

Right after birth, a newborn's eyes are open quite a bit and babies spend a lot of time studying faces — especially their parents'. Your baby may turn or react to the sound of your voices. Your baby is using all of the senses, including smell and touch, to further identify and become attached to you.Your newborn will cry, sleep, and at times will look directly into your eyes.Your baby will grab onto your finger if you place it in his or her palm.Intially babies sleep for 24 hrs.Its important to wake them up every 2 -3 hrs and breast feed them.

The mother has to breastfeed the baby as soon as the baby is in her hands.Although milk probably won't fully come in for another day or two.

Having a baby is a major, life-changing experience.You may experience everything from joy to concern . And your feelings may change suddenly and unpredictably. There's a good chance she'll be exhausted, and both parents may start feeling the effects of sleep deprivation.
Every parent reacts differently. Some mothers "forget" the difficulties of labor as soon as they catch a glimpse of their newborns. Some feel high levels of energy driven by the excitement of finally having the baby. Still others feel sad and may experience baby blues or the more serious problems.

When your baby is born, you'll enter an entirely new phase of your life. Take the time during your baby's first days to savor this new beginning.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Alcohol and its effects

Alcohol consumption is harmful to oneself if one consumes it everyday.Men dont realise that how it effects a family if it becomes addiction.Everyone is effected differently in a family.Childrens are effected the most.Aggressive behaviour(although some people will become quiter and calmer),lose self confidence,develops negative feelings .Some childrens also experiences depression and low self esteem.

According to a study in university of Buffalo Research Institute of Addictions ,men who drink alcohol and has tendency for physical abuse towards woman are more likely to be violent on the days when they drink alcohol.

Married woman are more likely to experience physical abuse by their husbands.Nearly 2 out of 5 women experiences physical abuse from their husbands.Slapping is the most common form of physical violence's by husbands.1 in 10 married women experiences sexual violence from their husbands.Women are forced to have sex against their will.

One of the hardest things to do is live with an alcoholic. Uncontrolled drinking creates problems that affect family members . Drinking alcohol increases the risk of death from motor vehicle accidents as well as work-related and recreational and accidents and injuries. Not only this, but homicides and suicides are more likely to committed by individuals who have been drinking alcohol.

Monday, May 10, 2010

My baby

..............A woman becomes so much responsible after a baby comes into ones life..right from feeeding milk time to time,changing nappies whenever the baby does susu ,giving her a bath...etc etc.As the baby keeps on growing their needs keeps on changing....Like my baby is 20 months old.She wakes up early in the morning at 8.30am.she will never let me sleep in case she gets up early .she starts doing all sorts of mischievious things and wakes me she pokes my nose,pinches my cheeks,pulls my hair etc etc........She would want to get up immediately once i get up.Then she will show me that she needs to brush her teeth and then drink milk.I become so busy the whole day that i dont have any spare time left for myself.............Ya ..its only when she sleeps in the afternoon i feel bored and my time doesnt pass......Prior to my pregnancy when i was working i never thought that i would become so responsible as a mother .....My life has completely changed after my baby has come into my life.And i enjoy this change.
Earliar i use to sleep like a khumbkaran...But now i wake up even if there's a sound of a small pin falling on the ground...
Our friends usually comes for partying on dinner gets late..Even though i sleep at 2'o clock or 3'o clock ,i have to get up at 8 am coz my of my baby.
I enjoy going out with my baby.Specially shopping in Big Bazaar with her is so fun..I usually do my monthly grocery shopping from big bazaar .So i always make my baby sit on the trolley and do my shopping....When i take one biscuit packet from the rack , she will take 10 biscuit packets from the rack and keep in the trolley.and she this makes her very happy.She pulls someones hair,someones bag ,someones Duppatta....and she gives a smile at them and escapes.......Oh much fun i have with her...
Its 12.45 am now...and she is sleeping ...need to sleep coz she might get up if she doesnt find me near her.


"How I wish ...If we could uninstall 2020 and reinstall it?? It has a Virus.." Things have really changed within a matter of few...